We are a member-supported non-profit. Members of IYAUM receive discounts on workshops, free admission to our bi-annual 'Yoga Day' events, and the satisfaction of supporting an organization dedicated to the profound teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.
Become a member or renew by joining through IYNAUS, the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States, and choose IYAUM as your region. You are automatically a member of both the National and Minnesota Associations. National Association member benefits include a free subscription to their magazine, The Light, as well as an option to subscribe to Yoga Rahasya, the quarterly publication from RIMYI.
Note: You can become a member of IYAUM at any time and your annual renewal fee will be due a year from the date you become a member.
$70 per year
Membership includes IYNAUS Membership, Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States
Newsletter: receive both IYNAUS and IYAUM informational updates regarding events and more
Discounts for IYAUM sponsored events, workshops, classes, etc.
Create and foster a sense of community amongst the practitioners and teachers of Iyengar Yoga of the Upper Midwest
$30 per year
Members must be IYNAUS Members. Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States
Discounts for IYAUM sponsored events, workshops, classes, etc.
Newsletter: receive the IYAUM informational updates regarding events and more
Create and foster a sense of community amongst the practitioners and teachers of Iyengar Yoga of the Upper Midwest​
In accord with IYAUM'S mission to study, teach, disseminate and promote the teachings of BKS Iyengar and provide support to our membership students, certified teachers, and teachers in training. IYAUM has established a fund to provide scholarships and grants.